Happy 17th Birthday Charlie!
For your 17th birthday I am gifting you 65 XRP cryptocurrency coins (your birthday in years, 17, plus my age, 48, equals 65 XRP). Not only will this asset provide you safety during the coming economic crisis but will provide you resources to help you thrive in the coming New World. One of my gifts is the ability to see realities most can't yet see, which includes having the ability to foresee future events with a practical level of certainty. It's kind of like what wizards are to muggles from "Harry Potter." The same process and insight that lead me to know ahead of time and predict events like the pandemic and everything else occurring today is the same process and insight that lead me to this knowledge. Imagine owning Apple stock or Bitcoin cryptocurrency back in its infancy. XRP will likely be an integral part of the coming new financial system. I want you to be well taken care during this historic worldy transition and into the New World.
Steps To Receive Your XRP Cryptocurrency
Step 1 - Click the button to set up a cryptocurrency account on Uphold.
Step 2 - Let N. Michael know when you've set up your account and I will send you XRP coins. Be sure to include the email account you used to set it up or your wallet address.
Step 3 - You will receive 65 XRP coins into your Uphold account. A confirmation will be sent to your email.
Step 4 - "HODL", which is investment jargon for, "hold on for dear life." This means to NOT SELL until it's reached its predicted price of at least $10,000 per XRP coin. Even then you may not want to sell and only use the passive income your XRP may generate, but it's up to you.
Step 5 - Consider getting a hardware wallet (aka "digital wallet" or "cold storage wallet") to keep your cryptocurrency in. This is not mandatory, but it is good to consider for the long-term to protect against theft and fraud. I use the "Ledger Nano S" wallet.

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